Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. Announces an Enhanced Competitive Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Migration Program

25 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (ATL), a leading supplier of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), announce an exciting new enhancement to its existing Competitive LIMS Migration Program. Currently this program offers customers an additional discount when they decide to migrate to ATL Sample Master® LIMS from their existing LIMS.

The eligibility requirements include the following:

• The competitive LIMS must currently be in production and the customer should have proof of valid license.

• The list of eligible LIMS products can be obtained from your ATL Sales Representative.

Since this program has been in place there has been growing interest in an enhanced option to the Program that would allow a customer to migrate from their existing LIMS to ATL Sample Master® LIMS and enter into a lease-to-own licensing program that would spread the payments of purchasing Sample Master® LIMS over a timeframe of one to five years. At the end of the lease-to-own agreement the customer would own Sample Master® and just maintain a standard ATL support agreement.

ATL finance has crafted the Program so that the customer has simply applied the annual maintenance payment from their previous LIMS provider to ATL. Since this maintenance payment was already a budgeted annual expense the migration to Sample Master® was surprisingly easy especially since ATL worked with the customer to ensure the actual migration project went smoothly. This included static table data migration of data from the previous LIMS to Sample Master® and providing on-site training of the laboratory staff to ease the change to the new LIMS.

This enhancement to the Competitive LIMS Migration Program will be offered on a case-by-case basis as there are a number of factors involved including an understanding of the current terms of the maintenance/support agreement with their current LIMS provider.

