Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. Announces Sample Master® LIMS 8.5 - the Latest Upgrade to its Flagship Laboratory Information Management System

17 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (ATL), a leading supplier of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), is excited to announce Sample Master® LIMS 8.5, the latest upgrade to its flagship LIMS. With Version 8.5, ATL again raises the bar in the LIMS world by adding new functionality to a LIMS that has been installed in over 350 laboratories around the world over the past 15 years.

Many of the new enhancements in Sample Master® LIMS 8.5 were the result of suggestions from existing ATL customers since the release of Version 8.0. These suggestions are part of the customer feedback loop that ATL considers critical in maintaining its commitment to customer satisfaction. The major touch points for this feedback loop are ATL Technical Support and a variety of customer forums (ATL User Group, LIMS Boot Camps, training webinars, industry conferences) where ATL discusses LIMS requirements with its clients. In addition, ATL continually monitors the regulatory compliance requirements for core customer segments like environmental, food and beverage, agriculture, public health and biotechnology and changes in these requirements are reflected in this latest update.

Here is a broad sampling of the new functionality in Sample Master® LIMS 8.5:
• Workload management for both instruments and analysts into the Resource Management module
• Wildcard support on the "Master Query"
• Additional sample fields added to the "Master Query"
• Standards management into Chemical Inventory module
• QC batch tracking of standards
• Automatic notifications on results utilizing user created criteria such as over/under limits, calculations, etc.
• Enhanced fax/email configurations
• Enhanced QC batching including batching by analysis method
• Ability to reprint multiple samples and multiple orders
• Modified PDF report naming for auto reporting
• Due dates for orders and reports
• Sortable custom report listing
• Enhanced information for samples, instruments, contacts, results, laboratory, etc.

ATL expects to rollout the software in early April 2009, and customers will be notified when the final release of the software version is available.

"Sample Master® LIMS 8.5 includes a significant number of enhancements that are the direct result of customer feedback. We are excited to offer this update and will continue to enhance Sample Master® to meet our clients' evolving LIMS requirements", said Don Kolva, Director of Product Development at ATL.

Additional information on ATL and Sample Master® LIMS 8.5 is available at the company website.

ATL has been a leader in the LIMS industry for over fifteen years, pioneering Windows-based LIMS and automating laboratories one at a time. ATL prides itself on providing its clients with a total data management solution and a commitment to excellence in product quality, support and training. ATL has provided LIMS solutions for a number of industry segments including government, environmental, commercial testing, food and beverage, industrial hygiene, materials testing, agriculture and biotechnology. ATL is a certified Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and ISO 9001:2000 certified, placing a strong emphasis on quality customer service and support.

