ACD/Labs Releases Version 11 Desktop Software Complete with Powerful New Features and Products

26 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

A new version of acclaimed software for chemistry, filled with enhancements, new features and functions, and a brand new product for NMR interpretation, is now available from Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs).

ACD/Labs works continuously to improve our software offerings, in keeping with our promise to deliver innovative software tools to chemical and pharmaceutical researchers throughout industry and academia. With this release, we remain true to our multi-technique, multi-vendor analytical knowledge management approach by adding more flexibility in organizing chemical structure data relative to analytical results, and improving searching, visualization, and transferability of data.

ACD/Labs version 11.0 includes updates to most of our wide range of desktop NMR, mass spectrometry (MS), and optical spectroscopy products, as well as those for chemical nomenclature generation, chemical drawing, physicochemical property prediction, and chromatography. A full list of what's new can be obtained from our website, however below is a distillation of some of the highlights. Version 11 upgrade for the ACD/Labs' Server-based and Enterprise-level applications will be released in early 2008.

ACD/IntelliXtract software for LC/MS componentization features the new ability to extract chromatographic components according to specific, user-defined isotope patterns such as radiolabels. Other MS tools now have the capability to predict negative ion fragmentation, and feature new file formats for LC/MS data importation in support of ACD/Labs vendor-friendly policy that allows users to open and process experimental data from a variety of vendor file formats and instrument types. Processing of chromatographic data and peak matching for LC/UV (PDA, DAD) became simpler with updates to the ACD/Labs' products for LC.

ACD/Labs' NMR predictors are well known throughout the industry for their accuracy and versatility; however, the new release further augments the prediction algorithms, resulting in better prediction quality. Significant changes have been made to our NMR Processing products (ACD/1D NMR Manager and 1D NMR Processor) to help improve the structure verification workflow that will help users confirm the identity of their structures faster and more reliably.

A new product ACD/1D NMR Assistant, designed especially for chemists, features a streamlined user interface, fast and accurate multiplet analysis, and a structure verification algorithm to bring NMR expertise to the chemist's desktop.

Enhancements to our industry-standard molecular property predictors include substantial enhancements to the prediction of logP, and of the pKa values, contributing to enhancements to the related predictive software modules that calculate pH-dependent solubility and logD.

In our bid to adopt the latest industry standards, we have included support for InChIKey notation to our chemical drawing and nomenclature packages. Alterations to the ACD/ChemSketch chemical drawing interface improve workflow and make it more intuitive by adding standard Microsoft Windows shortcuts and other accepted keyboard and menu conventions.

