ACD/Labs to Showcase Software Products that Facilitates Quality by Design for Chromatographic Method Development and Optimization at HPLC 2010

13 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

ACD/Labs will showcase its line of software products that help chromatographers develop better, more robust methods by using Quality by Design (QbD) principles enabled by the software. ACD/LC Simulator, ACD/ChromGenius and ACD/AutoChrom MDS will be on display, and posters and an oral presentation highlighting applications of these software products and how they enable QbD will be presented during the conference.

QbD is gaining popularity as the FDA encourages the pharmaceutical industry to adopt QbD principles in order to help mitigate the risks associated with new drugs. ACD/Labs’ chromatography tools help automate the data management and interpretation required for QbD. A poster presentation further describing how method development software enables QbD for drug development processes using chromatography will be given on Wednesday (P-1318-W).

ACD/LC Simulator helps optimize concentration gradient, temperature and resolution of your separation during method development. Using either a database of experimental chromatograms or calculations of physicochemical properties such as boiling point, logP, logD and pKa, ACD/LC Simulator models hypothetical chromatograms and predicts optimal separation conditions and retention times.

ACD/ChromGenius predicts retention times and chromatograms based on the structures of the compounds to be separated, allowing you to select the best generic separation method for your sample prior to injection. ACD/ChromGenius reduces the necessary number of screening experiments by determining which methods will work and which will fail before you perform a single separation or sample preparation. Increase the accuracy of predicted retention times with an add-on that incorporates Absolv parameters into the prediction algorithm. Attend the poster session on Monday afternoon where an application of the ACD/ChromGenius Absolve add-on will be presented (P-2822-M).

ACD/AutoChrom Method Development Suite (MDS) combines instrument control for LC/MS and LC/UV systems with software for logical method development. Define your project and your goals, and AutoChrom will execute the experiments, guide you through data processing and interpretation, and help you select the next experiment to perform. Clear and concise project management gives you an overview of your project with the ability to drill down into the results at any time.

Oral Presentation:
"Safety Net"—Orthogonal Methods for Automated Tracking of New Impurities in Drugs
Time: Tuesday, June 22 at 17:15–17:45
Location: Ballroom A

Poster Presentations:
A Widely Applicable System for Structure-based Chromatographic Retention Time Prediction
Poster Number: P-2822-M
Presentation Time: Monday, June 21 from 14:45–16:30

Understanding the Role of Quality By Design Chromatographic Method Development
Poster Number: P-1318-W
Presentation Time: Wednesday, June 23 from 14:45–16:30

Visit ACD/Labs at booth 110 to find out more.

