ADAM Automated Cell Counter: Not Just a Pretty Face

30 Oct 2007

Labtech are please to announce the launch of the Automated Detection And Measurement system for the measurement of cell number and cell viability. The ADAM is a novel instrument containing fluorescence microscope optics and image analysis software designed to quickly and easily quantify cell number and viability of a given sample. Replacing the inaccuracy of Trypan Blue with the sensitive fluorophore, Propidium Iodide, the ADAM brings increased accuracy and reliability to cell analysis at a fraction of the cost of other automated systems.

Conventional automatic cell counters ultilise flow cells or counting chambers that require laborious cleaning and calibration and are prone to blockages by cell debris. The ADAM uses a precision disposable microchip to eliminate this problem and greatly speed up workflow. Just mix 15μl of cells with the stain solution, load onto the chip, and load the chip into ADAM. Cell number and viability are presented on the onboard computer meaning no additional PC is required giving the ADAM an exceptionally small footprint. Each microchip can hold up to four samples and is disposed off after use decreasing both the measurement time and the risk of exposure to potentially hazardous material.

Andrew Jones, Technical Director of Labtech International commented “We are very excited about the introduction of the ADAM Cell Counter. Cell Counting is a laborious task to perform manually and subject to significant user variation. Previously, automated solutions have been expensive to purchase and to run and have required time consuming cleaning and calibration protocols. The design of the ADAM means that the system can run a sample for as little as £0.18 per sample and can be used with only a few minutes of training”.

The ADAM will be made available by Labtech International through it’s in-lab demo program.

