Advanced PFAS/GenX LC-MS/MS workflows: Sample preparation and chromatography

Register for this webinar to learn more about underlying chemistry considerations for sample preparation and chromatography of PFAS and GenX compounds

27 Mar 2020
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel
Scott Krepich, Phenomenex
Scott Krepich, Phenomenex.

Per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) continue to persist throughout the environment. High-profile water contamination incidents have raised public awareness, leading to even stricter protocols in US Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rules and European Drinking Water Directives, to name a few. In addition to this, there has been a growing interest in the examination of short-chained, branched isomers and PFAS replacement compounds, such as GenX.

In this upcoming webinar, HPLC/UHPLC expert Scott Krepich discusses the difficulties associated with analyzing trace levels of these ubiquitous compounds. Krepich will also review extraction solutions from multiple matrices, and how column chemistry contributions can help improve the analytics of shorter acids and GenX.

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In this webinar, you will cover:

  • How to apply particle morphology and column chemistry contributions for HPLC and UHPLC analyses of several PFAS workflows
  • The underlying chemistry contributions to apply QuEChERS techniques in solid soil, sediment, and food samples
  • Solid Phase Extraction solutions for EPA Methods 533, 537.1, and DOD QSM 5.3
  • How to reduce PFAS background for trace analysis

Who should attend?

  • Those working with PFAS/GenX analytes
  • Any scientist or analyst that wishes to learn more about the underlying HPLC/UHPLC column chemistry contributions for trace analysis
  • Any scientist or analyst that wishes to learn more about the underlying chemistry and workflow contributions for sample preparation considerations

The live webinar and Q&A session will take place on Tuesday, April 7, at:

  • 16:00 BST
  • 11:00 EDT
  • 08:00 PDT
  • 17:00 CEST

Register to watch the full webinar>>

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