Advanced Spectral Searching and Database Building with KnowItAll

20 Sept 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has announced an unlimited spectral range and resolution feature in version 9.0 of its KnowItAll® software.

KnowItAll 9.0 allows users to store spectra in a user database at the precise range and resolution at which each spectrum was measured rather than being forced to conform to a fixed range and resolution for the entire database. As a result, users have more control over their data and can perform more accurate spectral searches that compare experimental spectra to reference databases.

"Technological advances have changed disk space and computational time limitations of computer search methods, making possible major advances in spectroscopic computing," explained Gregory M. Banik, Ph.D., General Manager, Bio-Rad Informatics. "Removing constraints on spectral data is critical to those who perform spectral searches or store spectral data, since altering an original spectrum's resolution has a significant impact on search results. With KnowItAll 9.0, researchers can preserve the integrity of their spectral databases. In addition, they have access to search software that follows best practices defined by the most recent research conducted by spectral search experts at Bio-Rad Laboratories as well as American Society for Testing and Materials standards."

Additional features in the KnowItAll 9.0 release include:

• Independent management of properties from multiple analytical techniques in user databases
• User database creation simplified
• New structure drawing tools to comply with IUPAC structure drawing guidelines
• Higher resolution spectra in HaveItAll® IR, NIR, Raman database subscriptions
• Spectra added to HaveItAll IR, UV-Vis, and NMR database subscriptions.

Spectral Searching

Researchers use spectral search software to identify unknown substances and verify the composition of synthesized materials in a number of applications and industries. First, precision instruments measure a substance and produce a spectrum, which is expressed as a graph showing a series of peaks and valleys that is specific to the sample material. That spectrum is then compared with a database of the measured spectra of known substances. If a matching spectrum is found, the material in question can be identified. Bio-Rad's KnowItAll solutions provide search software tools, as well as an extensive collection of reference spectra used in this type of analysis.

KnowItAll Informatics Software

Bio-Rad's KnowItAll Informatics System is a fully integrated chemistry software and database package that provides scientific researchers multiple tools, including database building and management, search, analysis, structure drawing, and reporting all within a single user interface. The system offers fully flexible and expandable solutions for Infrared (IR), Raman, Near IR (NIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Mass Spectrometry (MS), Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, chromatography, chemometrics, and metabolomics.

