Advances in Laboratory Diagnostics Podcast 3: MALDI-TOF and the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

12 Mar 2014
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Dr. Robert Jerris shares his experiences of implementing MALDI-TOF MS in the microbiology laboratory. To listen to the full interview, please click here.

In the third instalment of our podcast series on Advances in Laboratory Diagnostics, Clinical Diagnostics Editor, Sonia Nicholas, interviews Dr. Robert Jerris, the Director of Clinical Microbiology, at the Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Hospital.

In this lively interview, Dr. Jerris discusses his experiences of implementing and using the Bruker MALDI Biotyper for clinical diagnostics use. Dr Jerris is passionate about this technology, describing it as a ‘game changer’ for the clinical laboratory, which has the potential to revolutionize the microbiology lab and enhance patient care.

The MALDI Biotyper identifies microorganisms using MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight) Mass Spectrometry to measure a unique molecular fingerprint of an organism. More specifically, the MALDI Biotyper measures highly abundant proteins that are found in all microorganisms.

The characteristic patterns of these highly abundant proteins are used to reliably and accurately identify a particular microorganism by matching the respective pattern with an extensive open database to determine the identity of the microorganism down to the species level.

During the course of the interview, Dr Jerris discusses how his team implemented the Biotyper into the daily routine of the microbiology laboratory, as well as the impact the equipment has had on the staff and patients.

To listen to the full interview, please click here.

