Agilent and JASCO Announce EZChrom Elite Software Control of JASCO X-LC™

29 Mar 2006
Kerry Parker

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) and JASCO Incorporated today announced the release of EZChrom Elite Chromatography Data System (CDS) to control the new Jasco X-LC/HPLC liquid chromatography system.

The new version of EZChrom Elite is designed to optimize specific features of the JASCO X-LC , including instrument control of the X-LC 3085 pump, X-LC 3070 and 3075 UV detectors, X-LC 3020 Fluorescence detector, X-LC 3095 CD detector, and X-LC column oven. In addition, special “full download” software control exists to maximize throughput of samples while operating the X-LC

With the ability to support more than 300 instruments from over 25 vendors, EZChrom Elite is available standalone or in client/server configurations. EZChrom Elite serves the needs of researchers in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and environmental industries.

The JASCO X-LC series of extreme high pressure liquid chromatography instrumentation is a revolutionary development in the field of chromatography. This new system is capable of routinely delivering solvents at pressures approaching 15,000 psi. The use of columns packed with smaller particle sizes allows the user to achieve chromatographic speed, sensitivity, and efficiency far beyond traditional HPLC.

“This new release of EZChrom Elite allows users full control of both the Jasco X-LC Jasco 1500 and 2000 Series of HPLC, extending the versatility and power of EZChrom as a multi-vendor/multi-instrument CDS,” said Ed Long, director of marketing, Laboratory Informatics Business, Agilent Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis. “Agilent is committed to this direction for the EZChrom Elite platform.”

Frank E. Mason III, CEO of JASCO adds, “JASCO’s X-LC operating under EZChrom Elite software control provides chromatographers with an intuitive and powerful platform to obtain the maximum efficiency and throughput available. The newly developed full sequence download capability allows users to perform a sample preloading step which eliminates any delay due to the sample injection process resulting in even greater productivity.”

The new version of EZChrom Elite with JASCO X-LC/HPLC control is available for shipment in March 2006.

