Agilent Chemstation and Agilent OpenLab Drivers Now Support HTA Autosamplers
11 Jun 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor
Agilent's GC owners have now one reason more to choose an HTA autosampler: HTA is pleased to announce the availability of the GC ChemStation and OpenLAB CDS driver for its GC autosampler gamma.
The driver is immediately available for HT3000A series (liquid GC autosampler) that includes HT3100A"autoinjector", HT3000A "standard productivity autosampler" and HT3200A "premium autosampler".
The driver is also available for headspace GC autosampler series that includes HT2000H "standard productivity autosampler" and HT2100H "entry level model".
To know more about GC ChemStation and OpenLAB CDS driver, click on the request info button below.