Alpha Innotech Introduces a Complete Solution for Quantitative Proteomics Imaging and Analysis

29 Apr 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Alpha Innotech, a leading provider of innovative imaging solutions for life science research, announced today the launch of the FluorChem® Xplor, an imaging platform designed for proteomics imaging and analysis. The FluorChem Xplor addresses the market need for a single system able to perform rapid and quantitative 2D gel, chemiluminescent Western and 1D gel imaging. With this one instrument, a lab can address all its imaging needs relating to proteomics workflow, negating the need for separate imaging stations, or a darkroom and developing machine.

Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins from an organism or tissue. Typical proteomic techniques include 2D gels, 1D gels and Western blots. While Alpha Innotech has long addressed the 1D and Western market, expansion into the 2D market makes Alpha Innotech’s expertise available to a major component in the workflow of a proteomic lab. 2D gels are often used in the discovery phase of a project, to characterize the protein makeup of a sample and to identify proteins of interest that differ between an experimental and a control sample.

The FluorChem Xplor imaging system provides fast, quantitative imaging of large gels. It includes integrated, protocol-driven AlphaView® software for image acquisition, enabling the easy imaging of multiple samples under reproducible lighting and exposure conditions, which is necessary for quantitative accuracy when comparing samples. It also includes powerful new Xpedition™ software for image analysis, designed to be easy to use and intuitive. With Xpedition, the user can detect spots, quickly normalize to a loading control, and automatically correct for background levels. Additionally, 21- vector alignment allows the user to align and compare 2D gels, and Xpedition will calculate fold-change levels for spots relative to a reference image.

The FluorChem Xplor detects a wide array of 2D detection dyes, including Coomassie blue, Sypro® Ruby, and Silver stain. The FluorChem Xplor is also compatible with imaging chemiluminescent Western blots, and all 1D gels. The FluorChem Xplor captures images faster than a laser scanner and has broader flexibility for proteomics

The FluorChem Xplor was designed for the proteomics market, where scientists extract high-quality, quantitative data from hundreds or thousands of proteins in a single experiment. According to Lawreen Asuncion, Alpha Innotech product manager, “For proteomics, the ability to image multiple gels under identical conditions, and to quickly compare gels and calculate fold-change values, is extremely important. These are exactly the functions Alpha Innotech has been providing for 1D gels, and we are excited to now extend our expertise to scientists conducting 2D gels.”
