Alpha MOS Announces the Launch of its High Performance Dual Channel Flash Gas Chromatography Electronic Nose

10 May 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

A new ultra fast Gas Chromatography system has been developed for lab analysis in which rapid identification and quantification of compounds or fast sample screening is desired, without compromising chromatograms resolution.

This new instrument features two columns of different polarities mounted in parallel and connected to 2 detectors. Showing a high repeatability (RSD < 0.3% on retention times and RSD < 3% on peak areas), it allows headspace or liquid injection modes. Thanks to an integrated solid adsorbent trap thermo-regulated by Peltier cooler (0-260°C) it achieves an efficient preconcentration of light volatiles and shows a great sensitivity (in the pg range).

With fast column heating rates (up to 600°C/min), typical analysis cycle time is around 5 minutes. A great attention has been paid to the ease of use and maintenance. The system is fully monitored via PC interface
(parameters settings, programs, FID ignition, etc).

A user-friendly, easy to navigate software guides users of all experience levels to successfully operate the instrument. In addition to classical chromatography functionalities, it provides powerful tools such as sample fingerprint analysis and comparison, qualitative and quantitative models, quality control cards. The user can refer to a database integrated in the software that gives information on sensory features linked to the chromatograms peaks. For easier data interpretation, compounds and sensory information are classified by application area. This integrated database (Kovats indices) also facilitates peak identification; it can be enriched with user data recorded over analyses.
