Analytical chemistry equipment reviewed by scientists
Explore the latest reviews of lab products that could boost your analytical chemistry research and optimize your laboratory workflow
7 Mar 2023

Choosing the right lab equipment can be a complex decision. That’s why SelectScience® lab product reviews can be a valuable tool, enabling you to make an informed choice and hear what other scientists involved in analytical chemistry have to say about the products they use every day.
Last week, we hosted our annual Virtual Analytical Summit, a free-to-attend online event in the scientific calendar that brought together scientific leaders and manufacturers in analytical research and development. We’ve collated some reviews on notable laboratory equipment for analytical chemistry that could enhance your lab’s productivity. From lab chillers and essentials like balances to LC-MS instrumentation, find out the experiences other lab manager, researchers and technicians have had with these products.
DuraChill® Portable Recirculating Chillers by PolyScience

"Easy to setup, works well for cooling equipment that requires chilled water. Better price value than similar units from competitors." Bret Hamatake, BD Medical.
Read more reviews Leave a review 6560 Ion Mobility Q-TOF LC/MS by Agilent Technologies

"The customer service is amazing. Easy to use instrument. I’m happy to have a chance to use the instrument to do part of my PhD project." Tina Heravi, Brigham Young.
Read more reviews Leave a review ACD/NMR Workbook Suite Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., (ACD/Labs)

"The sale representative was extremely helpful in explaining the applications. The demonstration of the software was clear and thorough. I am happy to be continuing to do business with ACD." Brian Melkowits, Wacker Chemical Corporation.
Read more reviews Leave a review alpha300 RS Correlative Raman and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope by WITec GmbH

"Alpha 300 RS is great to characterize samples on the submicro level! With SNOM we were able to achieve beyond diffraction limit resolution! User friendly and open for experimenting with the instrumentation settings!" Ayse Koyun, TU Wien.
Read more reviews Leave a review Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Neo UHPLC System by Thermo Fisher Scientific

"The Vanquish systems have continued to push the state of the art in liquid chromatography instrument design. The ease of use, high pressure capabilities, and low system dispersion volumes allows for fast method development, high chromatographic resolving power, and robust operation." Matt Sorensen, Eli Lilly.
Read more reviews Leave a review ME-T Analytical Balances by Mettler-Toledo GmbH

"These are excellent value balances. The performance is efficient and comfortable. The indications are clear and the results fast and reliable. The operation is very efficient and they have a very simple maintenance. In addition to this, they have Green MT, a green friendly technology. Excellent instrument." Ezequiel Falchi, INFIQC
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