Analytical Chemistry Highlights – Thermal Desorption, Solid Phase Extraction & Food and Flavor Analysis

Find out more about the hottest content you may have missed over the past month

7 Mar 2019
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

With the imminent arrival of Pittcon 2019, now is the time to make sure you're up to date with all the latest technological advancements and methods in the field. In this article, we take a look at some of the trending content from the past month in our analytical chemistry communities.

Hamish Lamotte and Yan Li from Syft Technologies

1. A Solution for Real-Time Analysis in the Food and Flavor - Now on Demand

The aromas of your foods and beverages are as important, if not more so, than the flavor of the products themselves, so surely we should be monitoring the compounds responsible during production? Traditional technologies lack the time resolution and responsiveness required to give rapid feedback to product developers or process-line managers, but, in this on-demand webinar, SYFT presents a revolutionary direct analysis technology for fast, sensitive, selective, and robust analysis of aroma compounds in air at trace levels.

2. What is Thermal Desorption?

In this guide, learn more about the basics of thermal desorption as a technique, its origins, how it works and why it's so versatile. The guide also covers the different sampling options for TD and what applications it’s used for. By the time you’ve finished, you will have a good understanding of how TD benefits gas chromatography analysts across a wide range of scenarios.

3. Essential Measurement Techniques: A Guide for Measurement Quality in the Lab

Get some helpful insights into essential measurement techniques such as weighing, pH measurement, pipetting and more, to help you improve the accuracy and efficiency of your day-to-day measurement tasks. While experience shows modern, well-developed balances and analytical instruments do the most to promote ease of use, operational safety and accurate results, even with state-of-the-art solutions, practical knowhow is still required for operators to do “the things” right and achieve reliability and consistency.

Solid phase extraction diagram

4. What is Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)?

Solid Phase Extraction, or SPE, is a method for sample preparation that separates and concentrates analytes from solution prior to analysis, but how much do you actually know about the technique? This video describes how the technique is carried out and eplains its benefits compared to liquid-liquid extrations.

5. Challenges in Food Fraud Testing: A Spectroscopy Case Study Video

There are several challenges associated with moving from targeted to non-targeted systems in food fraud testing, such as a lack of guidelines and legislation. From the growing complexity of food supply chains to the growing opportunities to conduct fraud across them, this short video provides helpful recommendations to address some of these common difficulties.

6. How to Buy Water Purification

Water quality is easy to take for granted, but water quality in the lab can make a big difference to lab operation and the quality of your analytical results. With this in mind, why wouldn’t you choose the best technology available to provide the water purity levels you need for your analyses?

If your water purification system is starting to get a little worn around the edges, or you’re looking to buy a new system as soon as possible, our free eBook provides all the information you should consider when selecting new water purification technology.

And, finally..

7. Analytical Products Making Waves

You’ve submitted a staggering number of reviews this February – but which products have received the most of your attention? These two products stand head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd when it comes to attracting reviews:

alpha300 Ri - Inverted Confocal Raman Imaging by WITec GmbH

Review of alpha300 Ri by Fernando Rubio-Marcos
The alpha300 Ri's inverted beam path preserves all the functionality of WITec’s standard alpha300 confocal Raman imaging microscopes while providing the ability to view and investigate samples from below, which is a great advantage when working with aqueous solutions and oversized samples.

Xevo TQ-GC Mass Spectrometry System by Waters

Review of Xevo TQ-GC by Leanne Horsley
The Xevo™ TQ-GC enables routine quantitation of multiple contaminants in matrix sample. The consistent high performance allows regulatory limits to be comfortably passed, reducing the need for frequent user intervention and re-optimization.

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