AnaSpec Highlights Calcein AM with High Purity Grades

10 Jul 2011
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

AnaSpec is pleased to provide Calcein AM at two purity grades, >90% or >95%, as determined by HPLC. AnaSpec also offers the SensoLyte® Calcein Cell Viability Assay Kit - a rapid and sensitive assay to detect viable cells. This kit provides ample reagents (dye and assay buffer) for 1000 assays in a 96-well plate format.

AnaSpec highlights Calcein AM with High Purity Grades. It is widely used for determining cell viability since the fluorescence intensity of calcein is proportional to the amount of live cells. Calcein is a photostable reagent and is well retained in the cytoplasm of live cells. Calcein is not influenced by intracellular pH. Its bright green fluorescence can be monitored at Ex/Em=494nm /520 nm.

Amongst other reagents, including BCECF, AM and Carboxy-fluorescein diacetate, Calcein AM is the most suitable indicator for staining viable cells due to its low cytotoxicity property. Calcein AM does not affect cell proliferation or viability. Calcein AM is used in cell invasion, adhesion, migration and other cell-based assays.

AnaSpec’s Calcein AM, a green fluorescent cell viability indicator, has excellent quality, and is cost-effective.

