Application Note on Phenylephrine Retention at high pH

23 Mar 2007

Fortis Technologies has produced an application note for the retention of the polar basic analyte Phenylephrine.

Commonly used as a decongestant in cold remedies Phenylephrine exhibits little or no retention when analysed in HPLC. However the use of a high pH mobile phase combined with the companies Fortis C18 column allows excellent retention to be achieved. Other polar basic analytes and metabolites can also be retained using this combination of high pH mobile phase and pH stable phase.

Fortis C18 is shown to work at Low, Mid and High pH with no loss in efficiency, peak shape or robustness as can occur with hybrid phases. Due to its unique bonded character it remains stable at high pH far above traditional silica C18 phases. Without conceding the ability to operate at low and mid pH’s.

To request this application note or for information about other product solutions, please contact Fortis Technologies.

