ARC Sciences DPX SPE in a Pipette Tip

6 Feb 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

DPX stands for Disposable Pipette tip eXtraction. Standard 1 and 5ml pipette tips packed with dispersive SPE media allow faster extraction, lower solvent use and easy automation. Packed with polymeric media for reverse phase, cation exchange and a variety of QuECheRS materials, these tips are ideal for simplifying your extraction procedure.

DPX is based on loosely contained sorbent placed inside a pipette tip. Sample is drawn into the pipette tip where it gains direct contact to the solid phase. Using negative rather than positive pressure to load the tips, even relatively large volumes can be processed in quick and convenient manner. The tips are compatible with any device that can take a typical 1 or 5ml Gilson compatible pipette tip. For small batches these can be processed manual without the need for a manifold. For more information please visit the company webpage.

Minimal Solvent Volumes
Saving you money by requiring less solvents for every sample processed

Rapid Extraction Times (3-5 min/sample)
No conditioning step, no vacuum Manifold & ability to readily automate greatly cut down on sample time.

High Extraction Efficiencies
Loosely contained sorbent allows for maximum surface area contact with analyte when solution is mixed.

No Conditioning Steps Required
Saving labs valuable time and money by using less solvent

Increased Throughput
Perform automated extractions during chromatographic analysis using GERSTEL MPS. Alternatively, process 24 samples simultaneously in a few minutes using DPX Extractor.

DPX is promoting greener chemistry by reducing the amount of solvent waste generated by labs in daily sample prep.

