AstraNet Wins Bronze Award at World’s Largest Lab Exhibition

29 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

A number of prestigious awards are made at the Pittcon exhibition every year. The most important award for all those exhibiting at the show is that for the best new product on display. This is selected by a jury made up of the attending editors of laboratory and scientific journals; the so-called Editors Award.

AstraNet Systems Ltd, a Cambridge (UK) micro-business, was awarded the Editors Bronze Medal for its AstraGene, DNA analysis spectrophotometer. AstraGene was recognized for its novel yet simple operation, while its ability to recover 100% of the tiny 2µL sample, with no risk of contamination or operator hazard was also mentioned.

Mike Mills, Managing Director of AstraNet, commented that this was a fantastic achievement when considering the huge number of exhibitors at the show and the significant multi-national companies that were also nominated in this category.

Ray Wood, Business Development Manager at AstraNet further noted that the novel sampling accessory, that makes AstraGene a powerful tool in handling small and precious samples, was complemented by their state-of-the-art spectrophotometer that uses fibre-optic coupling and a CCD array detector to eliminate all moving parts; so increasing reliability and reducing maintenance to an absolute minimum, while effectively eliminating the need for any re-calibration.

