ATL Announces Additional Presentations at Pittcon 2016

Booth 4057

19 Feb 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (ATL), a premier supplier of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) solutions, will be exhibiting in Booth #4057 at Pittcon, March 7-10, 2016. ATL will also host a LIMS Best Practices Workshop, featuring experts in the field with real world experiences, entitled LIMS Live @ Pittcon: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from The Laboratory on Tuesday, March 8th (1:30-4:30PM, Session 1260/B315). Pittcon takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

ATL will be showcasing its market-leading, web-based LIMS solutions, TITAN® and Sample Master®, along with a set of exciting complementary products that enhance the capabilities of both LIMS. TITAN® represents the next generation in LIMS by incorporating ERP capabilities along with an integrated Report Designer and a Workflow Designer. Sample Master® is modular for clients that may only need certain functions of a LIMS and wish not to pay for software that will not be utilized. ATL will also be featuring its LIMS On-Demand services for clients that wish to leverage a hosted, managed solution. Both LIMS are VMware Ready™ and Citrix Ready® certified.

Both TITAN® and Sample Master® are supported by a complete line of complementary web products including Result Point® and ATL iMobile (for field or bench data collection). With the Result Point® web portal, users have 24/7 self-service secure access to sample status, test results, reports, EDDs, invoices and more from any desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. ATL iMobile is a web application that leverages WiFi, 3G/4G cellular technology to facilitate real-time field data collection of test data back to the LIMS using smartphones, tablets or laptops.

ATL will also be presenting at the Food Labs Conference, which is co-located with Pittcon at the Georgia World Congress Center. Pittcon attendees will need to upgrade their Pittcon registration to gain access to the Food Labs Conference. ATL will be presenting Leveraging Laboratory Automation to Meet the Challenges of FSMA Compliance on Monday, March 7th from 4:00-4:45PM in Room B211.

