Automated Dumas Nitrogen Analyzer with Outstanding Precision and Efficiency in Nitrogen/Protein Analysis

20 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

The Dumas/combustion method is an alternative to the traditional Kjeldahl method for the determination of nitrogen and protein content ensuring precise results in few minutes, with an incredibly low detection limit (only 0.003 mg N).During the analysis the sample is decomposed into its elemental compounds and the substances produced, such as H2O, O2 and CO2, are trapped, in order to ensure the correct detection of the pure nitrogen.

The new NDA 701 Dumas Nitrogen Analyzer has been designed with close attention to reducing the consumption of both energy and resources and belongs to a series of instruments carrying the unique VELP TEMS™ technology.

TEMS™ technology ensures significant reductions in Time, Energy, Money and Space. In the NDA 701, this is expressed according to this list:

- Time per analysis is reduced to between three and four minutes per sample.
- Energy consumption is extremely low, thanks to the excellent engineering.
- Money is saved not only in line with the reduced power requirements but by the elimination of the need for a reference gas (LoGas™), automatic regeneration of CO2 absorbers and efficient water trap cooler (DriStep™).
- Space requirements are lower as just one slim unit is required for the whole analysis.

Conceived to carry out Nitrogen analysis by the Dumas method on different types of sample (e.g. food, feed, beverages,soils, plastics and fertilizers), the VELP Scientifica NDA 701 is suitable for the maximum productivity and complies with all methods established according to the national and international standards.

VELP Scientifica supplies also Kjeldahl systems for any requirement.

