Automation of the Karl Fischer volumetric homogenizer system

3 Mar 2006

The particle size of some samples must be reduced before a Karl Fischer analysis to allow complete extraction of the moisture from the sample. Samples will pick up moisture if you grind them outside of the Karl Fischer cell. For increased precision and accuracy, a POLYTRONR homogenizer can break up samples directly in the cell before the analysis.

It is also useful for samples, such as paints and oils, that aren't miscible in the KF solvent.

Now you can automate the Karl Fischer Homogenizer system using an 814 Sample Processor with the optional KF Homogenizer kit: the kit includes a Kinematica POLYTRON as well as a Metrohm DosinoR for the automatic addtion of solvent.

The system is modular, so you can automate an existing Karl Fischer titrator or purchase a complete system including an 841 KF TitrandoR. The speed and duration of the homogenizer can be varied from sample to sample to ensure that samples break up completely before the Karl Fischer analysis begins.

How are we able to reliably automate something as heavy and full of vibrations as a homogenizer? The answer lies with the 814 Sample Processor. A new design and a stable, robust construction gives it superior strength over previous automation systems, which results in loads of up to 12 kg being moved and lifted into the sample beaker-safely and precisely, time and time again.

The system is operated with tiamoT, Metrohm's new, progressive titration software. The intuitive user interface can be streamlined for individual users to simplify views and minimize training time.

Powerful data handling tools include:

  • Secure results database featuring a quick filter
  • Customizable reports
  • Export to LIMS
  • Automatic database backup

tiamo is 21 CFR Part 11- and GLP-compliant with a central user administration, complete traceability of all results through a secure audit trail and system password protection. For further information please contact Metrohm UK Ltd Tel 01280824824, Fax 01280824800, Email
