AXIA™ – A New Paradigm in High-Throughput Preparative Separations

16 Jan 2007

Introduced by Phenomenex, AXIA™ is an advanced column packing and hardware design that eliminates bed collapse as a source of failure in short prep columns.

Using patented Hydraulic Piston Compression (HPC™) technology, several fundamental problems faced daily by preparative chromatographers have been solved:

  • Collapse, voiding or channeling of the support bed after packing – causing premature column failure
  • Variability in bed density – degrading overall reproducibility
  • Low and/or variable efficiency – making scale-up from analytical more difficult
  • Peak distortion or asymmetry – reducing the return on each purification cycle

With AXIA-packed columns, ideal bed density is custom calculated and automated for each support, chemistry, and column size. Computer control of the entire process assures the proper bed density and uniformity. With a single, controlled hydraulic compression the piston assembly locks in place and detaches; the support media is never allowed to decompress, “relax” or require re-compression, unlike other packing methodologies. The result is an improved, more repeatable packing process, giving Prep chromatographers significant improvements in prep column lifetime (no more premature bed collapse! tested up to 1000+ cycles), with efficiencies and peak symmetries on par with analytical separations. Overall column-to-column consistency is also dramatically improved. Columns are available in 21.2 and 30mm IDs, 50 and 100mm lengths, using high-performance Luna® and Gemini™ chemistries.

