Beat the Acetonitrile Crunch.....Recycle Your HPLC Solvent

6 Jan 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Acetonitrile supplies are running out due to the drop in demand for acrylonitrile, which is used to make manmade fibres. Acetonitrile is a by product of the manufacture of Acrylontirile. A recent article in Chemistry World, the Journal of the Royal Society for Chemistry, stated “The shortage (of acetonitrile) is so severe that laboratory suppliers are warning customers they are unlikely to be able to meet demand”.

The Solvent Trak solvent recycler is a cost effective way to save up 90% of the solvent used in isocratic HPLC. Not only that, but it pays for itself in as little as 2 months, because solvents are not only expensive to buy, but are also expensive to dispose of. On top of that, it is a more environmentally friendly way of doing HPLC.

Solvent Trak automatically detects peaks and diverts them to waste whilst returning clean, uncontaminated solvent to the reservoir.

Solvent Trak incorporates a unique integration algorithm that accurately detects peaks in the eluant so that they are diverted even if your baseline drifts up or down.

Each unit is calibrated and certified against a NIST traceable standard and is delivered with a certificate of validation.

Solvent Trak:

• Saves up to 90% of isocratic HPLC solvent consumption
• Uses a anique detection algorithm accurately defines
peaks and diverts them to waste automatically
• Reliably returns clean solvent to mobile phase reservoir
• Decreases solvent disposal costs
• Is compatible with any isocratic HPLC system
• Has built-in automatic performance validation for every run
• Reduces environmental impact
• Is easy to use . . . no complex programming

For more information contact ARC Sciences using the more information button on the right of the screen.

