Bio-Rad Technical Note Compares the Criterion Stain Free System to SDS-Page and Coomassie Staining Methods

20 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. a multinational manufacturer and distributor of life science research and clinical diagnostic products, announced today the availability of a new technical note (tech note 5782) entitled “In-Gel Protein Quantitation Using the Criterion Stain Free™ Gel Imaging System.”

Bio-Rad’s Criterion Stain Free system is a fast and easy to use protein visualization system that utilizes the standard conventions of SDS-PAGE. Consisting of a new formulation of Bio‑Rad’s Criterion™ precast gels, a Criterion Stain Free imager and Image Lab™ software, the Criterion Stain Free system triggers protein fluorescence and generates a digital image of the gel after electrophoresis in as little a two and a half minutes. Maximum sensitivity is reached in five minutes, with equal or better sensitivity than that of Coomassie staining.

The in-depth technical note offers a comparison of standard SDS-PAGE/Coomassie staining and Criterion Stain Free system workflows, showing a 70% reduction in experiment time with the Criterion Stain Free system. Rinsing, staining and destaining steps are eliminated from the workflow when using the system, and the imaging and analysis steps are automated, thus reducing post-electrophoresis time from more than two hours to about two and a half minutes.


The technical note (tech note 5782) is available either from a local Bio-Rad sales office or it may be requested by visiting the Bio-Rad website. To obtain a copy, simply type the bulletin title or number into the search box located at the top-right of the homepage.

About the Criterion Stain Free System

The Criterion Stain Free system enables scientists to bypass the staining and destaining steps of SDS-PAGE and quickly visualize protein samples after electrophoresis. Using the system, researchers have the ability to standardize their protocols and dramatically shorten their time to results so they can quickly move on to the next step in their experimental workflow.

Key benefits:

• Gel images may be obtained in as little as two and one half minutes after electrophoresis

• One-touch instrument operation

• Equal or improved sensitivity compared to a Coomassie stain

• Compatibility with western blotting and mass spectrometry

• Digital images and data are easy to share, print, and store

• The need for a gel drying step is eliminated

• There is no organic waste as a result of the process

