Bioo Scientific Releases Automated Small RNA Library Prep Protocol for the Sciclone NGS Workstation

24 Sept 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Bioo Scientific has automated bias-reducing small RNA library prep on the Sciclone® NGS and NGSx Workstations. This protocol automates the NEXTflex™ Small RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit v2 and increases productivity by reducing the time and labor costs associated with small RNA library prep.

The NEXTflex Small RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit v2 incorporates randomized adapter technology to reduce bias introduced during the ligation step of library prep. The ligation step of small RNA library prep is ordinarily a source of bias. The randomized adapter strategy incorporated into the NEXTflex Small RNA-Seq Kit v2 allows small RNAs of any sequence to “find” their respective optimal adapters, resulting in small RNA libraries with a dramatic reduction in bias.

Bioo Scientific’s automation experts are available to help you integrate the new NEXTflex Small RNA-Seq Kit v2 protocol into your Sciclone NGS or NGSx Workstations. Visit Bioo Scientific for more information and a list of available automated library prep programs.
