Bruker Daltonics Introduces Novel WARP-LCTM 1.1 Software for LC/MS/MS Based Quantitative Proteomics

30 May 2006
Kerry Parker

At the 2006 ASMS conference, Bruker Daltonics today announces its novel WARP-LC 1.1 software suite for quantitative proteomics using isotope labeling. WARP-LC is the first comprehensive solution for quantitative LC-MS/MS protein analysis.

All current industry-standard label chemistries are fully supported (ICPL, SILAC, iTRAQ, ICAT, and 18O/16O-C-terminus labeling) and WARP-LC is open to other customized labelling technologies. Full support for multiplexed quantification (e.g., ICPL triplex, iTRAQ or SILAC 4plex) is provided, irrespective whether isobaric or non-isobaric labels are used. Median-based statistics provide highest data quality with automatic outlier detection and validation of quantitative results. WARP-LC has already demonstrated its outstanding performance using the ICPL chemistry during the Association for Biomolecular Research Facilities (ABRF)-PRG 2006 quantification study earlier this year.

WARP-LC is the single proteomics quantification platform for all Bruker Daltonics mass spectrometers: Flex-series MALDI TOF/TOFs, HCT-series ion traps, micrOTOF-Q and APEX-Q FTMS series. In addition, WARP-LC enables advanced data LC/MS visualization with SurveyViewer and ProteinBrowser functionality and extensive data validation and reporting tools.

WARP-LC also controls LC-MALDI data acquisition on Flex TOF/TOF systems, and enables result-dependent data acquisition when combining multiple LC-runs even across different instrument platforms (LC/ESI-MALDI). WARP-LC directly interact swith Bruker Daltonics’ BioTools 3.0software for advanced protein sequence validation, PTM screening, de novo sequencing and MS-BLAST searches for full protein structure elucidation. In addition, a link to Bruker Daltonics’ ProteinScape 1.3 puts individual LC/MS/MS analyses onto the proteomics project level.

In particular, WARP-LC fully supports the new ICPL Triplex labeling kit introduced by SERVA Electrophoresis and Bruker Daltonics at this ASMS conference, which permits the simultaneous analysis of three different proteomic states.ICPL has been developed to be used in gel based workflows, as well as for LC/MS/MS workflows.

Dr. Arnd Ingendoh, Assistant Vice President for Proteomics at Bruker Daltonics, said: “WARP-LC 1.1 provides unique flexibility to the protein researcher. This single software platform supports labeling experiments on the proteomics scale independent of the choice of labeling chemistry or MS technology platform. WARP-LC 1.1 is fully consistent with the growing requirement for protein pre-fractionation to obtain deeper insights into the proteome composition.”

