Bruker Daltonics Introduces Unique AccuScreen™ Accurate Mass Ion Chromatograms for micrOTOF™ ESI-(Qq-)TOF Systems

17 Mar 2006

At Pittcon 2006, Bruker Daltonics today announces new and unique AccuScreen™ methods for high resolution, accurate mass extracted ion chromatograms on its micrOTOF™ and micrOTOF-Q™ ESI-(Qq-)TOF mass spectrometers.

AccuScreen yields superior LC-MS and LC-MS/MS performance in target compound analyses in complex matrices, such as body fluids, complex small molecule libraries, quantitative proteomics, etc. Applications of AccuScreen include ADME/tox studies in drug development, biomarker analysis, quantitative proteomics and other diverse areas such as forensic high-resolution screening for drugs of abuse, poisons or other toxic chemicals.

Whether the assay is quantitative or qualitative in nature, the AccuScreen accurate mass ion chromatograms (AMICs)dramatically reduce chemical background interference and greatly improve specificity over normal +/- 0.5 Dalton (Da) extracted ion chromatograms. The AccuScreen AMICs can be generated with a tolerance down to +/- 0.002Da, a unique capability enabled by the advanced design of the micrOTOF(-Q)-series with unprecedented external calibration of better than 5ppm, and high resolution better than 10,000 (FWHM) over the entire MS/(MS) mass range run and across the full dynamic range of a typical HPLC run.

Dr. Ian Sanders, Vice President of Bruker Daltonics, explained: “In contrast to traditional target-specific triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry assays, AccuScreen enables screening approaches without the need to know the target compounds already before the analysis. In particular, new targets can be screened for and can be identified based of the micrOTOF’s unique sigmaFit™ molecular formula determination even months after the analysis. While in triple-quad MS/MS target screening most of the available molecular information simply cannot be measured, for AccuScreen using high-resolution AMICS the number of screening targets is virtually unlimited.”


Bruker BioSciences Corporation, headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, is the publicly traded parent company of Bruker Daltonics Inc. and Bruker AXS Inc. Bruker AXS is a leading developer and provider of life science, materials research, and industrial X-ray analysis tools. Bruker Daltonics is a leading developer and provider of innovative life science tools based on mass spectrometry. Bruker Daltonics also offers a broad line of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection products for defense and homeland security. For more information, please visit

