Bruker Daltonics Introduces Unique TargetAnalysis™ Solution for Multi-target Screening in Forensics, Environmental Testing and Food Analysis

20 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

At the 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Bruker Daltonics announced the launch of its novel TargetAnalysis™ application software for multi-target compound screening in complex matrices, providing much increased specificity and enhanced SigmaFit™ molecular formula determination.

TargetAnalysis is a library-based screening software solution able to screen hundreds of compounds from a single sample LC/ESI-TOF run with the ultra stable outstanding mass accuracy provided by Bruker's micrOTOF™ or micrOTOF-Q™ mass spectrometers.

Using Bruker's unique ESI-TOF technology with intrinsically outstanding mass accuracy and excellent stability over time, over concentration changes during an LC-run, as well as over a wide mass range, scientists can now screen for large compound libraries with a confidence level and reproducibility unsurpassed by any other system.

In contrast to traditional triple-quadrupole mass spectrometers, which are limited in the number of targets they can screen per LC run, the micrOTOF TargetAnalysis solution can easily handle several hundred compounds in a single LC run. This easy and robust workflow saves significant time when running multi-target applications like drugs/metabolites in urine, food safety analysis, forensic toxicology or environmental testing.

