Bruker Daltonics Launches Latest Compass™ 1.2 Software with Support for Leading Liquid Chromatography Systems and API-Sources

6 Mar 2007
Kerry Parker

At Pittcon 2007, Bruker Daltonics announces the release of Compass™ 1.2 software for its HCT™ high-capacity ion traps and micrOTOF™ ESI-(Q-q)-TOF mass spectrometers, providing significant new functionality for customers.

The new Compass version 1.2 offers a variety of new features and workflows for proteomics and small molecule applications, including Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD) with the HCTultra high-capacity ion trap PTM discovery system™.

A partner program allows efficient and application oriented development of HPLC software plug-ins in close collaboration with our HPLC partner companies. Currently, the following major LC product lines are supported: Agilent 1100/1200/1200 RR HPLC systems, Waters Alliance and ACQUITY UPLC systems, Dionex Ultimate3000, Hitachi LaChromElite and Eksigent Express, plus the CTC PAL auto sampler.

Compass 1.2 is fully compatible with CompassOpenAccess™ LC/MS walk-up operation and with CompassSecurityPack™ for working in regulated environments.

Compass 1.2 now also fully supports all important atmospheric pressure ionization sources for proteomics and small molecule applications like ESI, APCI, simultaneous ESI/APCI (multimode), APPI, nano-electrospray sources, or a CE-MS interface.

Compass is Bruker Daltonics’ unified software environment for all life science mass spectrometers with an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). It provides straight-forward instrument control and data processing for all Bruker Daltonics LC/MS, FTMS and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers.

