Bruker Expands PeakForce Tapping Accessibility New Dimension Edge AFM Available with ScanAsyst

2 May 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Bruker’s Nano Surfaces division announced today the expansion of its proprietary PeakForce Tapping™ technology to the Dimension Edge™ AFM platform. PeakForce Tapping is the enabling technology behind Bruker’s popular suite of proprietary imaging modes, including ScanAsyst®, which brings unprecedented ease of use to AFM operation. ScanAsyst guarantees highest imaging resolution in air and fluid without the need for optimizing operating parameters. In applications ranging from standard roughness measurements to the most advanced electrochemical investigations, its inclusion on the Dimension Edge platform, makes highest resolution imaging accessible to an even wider user base.

“Our patented ScanAsyst mode automates image optimization greatly simplifying the user experience and extending the utility of AFM,” said David V. Rossi, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Bruker's AFM Business. “The underlying PeakForce Tapping technology extends high-resolution AFM imaging to more samples by applying a precisely controlled, extremely low force response curve at every pixel, protecting our user’s probes and samples. ScanAsyst makes this capability accessible to more users by automatically monitoring image quality and making the correct parameter adjustments to deliver the best possible results to our customers.”

About PeakForce Tapping
Through precise measurement technology and force control algorithms PeakForce Tapping permits the use of reduced imaging forces, protecting both fragile probes and samples, and increasing image resolution. In PeakForce Tapping, a complete force-distance curve is obtained and the peak force controlled directly at every pixel in an image. The lateral forces exerted in contact mode are eliminated, as is the spatial averaging of the interaction inherent to TappingMode. Performance benefits include the ability to perform high-resolution imaging in fluid on fragile samples, such as DNA; the elimination of cantilever equilibration issues; and, when combined with the Dimension Edge EC accessory, the enabling of advanced electrochemical research on lithium batteries. The benefits of PeakForce Tapping are reflected in the more than 100 peer-reviewed publications to date, showing that the adoption rate of this Bruker exclusive technology in the AFM community surpasses even that of Bruker’s industry-standard TappingMode™. ScanAsyst automates PeakForce Tapping, eliminating the need to adjust feedback parameters, a step that often presents a daunting challenge for new and intermediate users. The result is highest quality, most accurate imaging, guaranteed for all AFM users.

