CAMAG Bibliography Service for TLC Available

17 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new edition of CAMAG Bibliography Service CBS 103 with 172 abstracts of recent publications, demonstrating the flexibility of Thin-Layer Chromatography/HPTLC is available for free from CAMAG. A hardcopy can be ordered by following the Company article page link at the top right of this page; articles and abstracts can be downloaded from the same website.

CBS 103 puts emphasis on HPTLC for investigation of food for unauthorized dye additions. Featured is for example HPTLC determination of illegal dyes in chili, paprika and curry. The updated database Cumulative CBS 103 (complete collection of all past abstracts) is available for free from CAMAG’s website.

Currently the compilation includes nearly 10’000 abstracts of publications on TLC and HPTLC. CAMAG is the leading solution provider for instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography/HPTLC. Lab services include feasibility studies, development and validation of methods, contract analysis and training.

