Carl Zeiss: Living Cells - Axio Observer Microscope System

16 Oct 2006

Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH presents a new microscope system that has been specially developed for extensive research of processes in living cells.

The Axio Observer, based on an inverted research microscope, makes it not only possible to observe processes in living cells, but also to manipulate processes and analyze the resulting changes. This is the means of obtaining new insights, both in basic research and, for example, the development of new drugs. Axio Observer permits the use of a wide variety of application-specific solutions.

Great emphasis has been laid on optimum operating convenience for all technical details. This is particularly evident in the ACR function which automatically recognizes objectives and reflector modules, integrates them into the system configuration and displays them on the touch screen display. This is especially interesting when several researchers share one instrument. When changing filter cubes or objectives for a new experiment the Axio Observer automatically recognizes the new configuration.

The entire microscope can be operated via short and clearly arranged menus of the touch screedn display. All settings are visible at a single glance, thus saving time, reducing the risk of mistakes and increasing convenience, e.g. when loading the reflector turret, particularly when filter sets are used in several microscopes. Therefore, it is very easy to upgrade and retrofit the Axio Observer. Furthermore, the 6-position reflector turret allows the very fast change of filter sets in the beam path during the experiment. The easy to operate touch screen display can either be attached to the the microscope or to a docking station. The docking station can be freely positioned next to the microscope or the imaging computer for convenient control of the microscope at all times.

Axio Observer is highly flexible and can be matched to each application level, from routine to high end. The open system architecture makes it easy to integrate external components.

For example, the laser port enables the use of a laser for targeted manipulation in FRAP procedures, uncaging or the targeted deletion of cellular structures.

Manipulation tools are a must in modern cell research using a microscope. In addition to mechanical manipulators, optical tools such as laser scan modules, optical tweezers or laser microdissection are used in cell research. This transforms the Axio Observer into a complete cell research station. The basic Cell Observer system - consisting of stand, AxioVision software and incubation devices - is upgraded according to the specific task.

You can choose from three stand models, upgradeable according to your specific requirements, to make your application as economical as possible.
