CAS Provides Powerful Research Tools and Services for Drug Discovery

15 Apr 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Physicians and patients alike live in hope of more effective treatments for disease. The pharmaceutical industry is committed to innovative research and development, providing new and improved therapeutics that continues to enhance healthcare. Drugs expected to gain FDA approval soon include novel treatments for cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and schizophrenia.

From preliminary inquiries into potential drug targets through post-marketing surveillance, current, accurate and comprehensive information is critical and it must be gathered rapidly. CAS databases, search and analysis tools, as well as its scientific search service, can help researchers overcome such seemingly insurmountable challenges.

CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, offers three powerful research methods for the drug discovery process:

SciFinder® - a research discovery tool that allows researchers to explore literature and patent data from a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, and drug discovery.

STN® - an online database service that provides global access to published research, journal literature, patents, structures, sequences, properties, and other data.

Science IP® - the CAS search service, is an expert team of scientists who can provide comprehensive searches of the scientific and patent literature related to all aspects of pharmaceutical research, including bio-sequence searching.

Drug discovery is a lengthy, complex, and expensive process in which gathering pertinent information is critical. The veritable explosion in scientific information has created a strong demand for tools to retrieve relevant data - tools that can access a variety of information sources and organize the data into a manageable, meaningful form.

CAS offers comprehensive databases, powerful software to locate, extract, and analyze the most current, relevant data, and an expert search team for drug discovery research.

