Cellectricon Announces World's First System for High Throughput RNAi Screening

11 Sept 2007

Cellectricon, a leading provider of miniaturized & cell-based screening solutions for drug discovery, today announced collaboration with EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland). EPFL is evaluating Cellectricon's next-generation high throughput electroporation system. Cellaxess-HT is the world's first high throughput electroporation system tailor-made for genome wide RNAi screening and will be launched Q2 2008.

"We are pleased to collaborate with EPFL and look forward to bringing this state-of-the-art system to the market." says Dr. Mattias Karlsson, CEO at Cellectricon. "Cellaxess-HT will be the first of its kind on the market and will significantly impact drug discovery by opening the door to using more biologically relevant cell types in genome wide RNAi screening."

"We are impressed by the unprecedented high throughput delivery of genetic materials the Cellaxess-HT system offers. We believe that Cellaxess-HT has the potential to greatly advance our efforts in our RNAi research programs", says Dr. Gerardo Turcatti, Director of the Biomolecular Screening Facility at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Cellaxess-HT addresses the critical need for high throughput delivery of genetic materials to hard to transfect cells in several cell-based screening assays. Cellaxess-HT will be the only fully automated system on the market allowing for high throughput electroporation of cells in culture directly in 384-well microplates. The throughput for the system is up to 50,000 wells per day and allows for genome wide screening with high transfection efficiencies and viabilities in cell lines as well as primary cell types.

