Cerno Bioscience Announces Varian MS Instrument Support In Its Award-Winning MassWorks™ MS Software

26 Jan 2007

Cerno Bioscience has today announced the expansion of its vendor file reading support for its groundbreaking MassWorks™ software, with the addition of Varian MS Workstation mass spectrometry data files (previously known as the Saturn GC/MS Workstation).

This new addition allows users of all Varian GC or LC/MS systems running MS Workstation to calibrate their data for accurate mass using Cerno’s MassWorks software.

The easy-to-use software package utilizes Cerno’s patented MSIntegrity™ calibration technology to improve mass accuracy results by up to 100X on unit mass resolution mass spectrometers such as single and triple quadrupole systems. This allows users to obtain mass accuracies of up to 5ppm, enabling accurate compound identification through elemental composition determination; a capability usually only available on more expensive, high resolution systems. MassWorks significantly improves the quality of data from any mass spectrometer from unit mass resolution instruments through to FTMS systems.

MassWorks utilizes Cerno’s DirectRead™ technology to open and process the Varian MS Workstation data from the native Varian SMS and XMS data files. This eliminates the need for importing or exporting MS data to the clipboard or utilizing intermediate exchange formats. This saves time, reduces transcription errors, simplifies file management and saves substantial disk space. As DirectRead does not alter the original data, it assists compliance with common regulatory requirements such as GLP and the FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11. MassWorks also supports many other MS vendor files, including ABI/Sciex Analyst, Agilent Chemstation, Perkin Elmer TurboMass, Thermo Scientific Xcalibur and Waters Masslynx.

Dr. Yongdong Wang, president of Cerno Bioscience, comments, “We are extremely pleased with the vendor response to our MassWorks software and we will continue to add file support for our customers. Our intention is to make our accurate mass and lineshape calibration technologies easily accessible to any user, regardless of the instrument type or manufacturer.”

