Cerno Bioscience MassWorks™ Enables Elemental Composition Determination on a Single Quadrupole LC/MS System

12 Apr 2007

Cerno Bioscience has today announced the availability of a new application note for its groundbreaking MassWorks™ software. The application note describes how MassWorks enables elemental analysts to carry out accurate compound identification on LC/MS single quadrupole instruments, even at unit mass resolution. This unique software improves mass accuracy by up to 100X, significantly improving the ability to confirm the identity of unknown compounds. In addition, the enhancement in signal-to-noise provided by the software can significantly lower the detection limits for compounds measured at trace levels.

The application note describes how elemental composition analysis can typically only be achieved using higher resolution systems, which can incur a much higher cost. MassWorks is an exciting development for elemental analysis, as it enables identification of unknown compounds even when using a low resolution instrument. With this software, a tandem MS capability is unnecessary, as formula ID is accomplished in the full MS scan mode.

MassWorks is now available with CLIPS (Calibrated Lineshape Isotope Profile Search), which provides dramatically improved results for formula ID. The CLIPS algorithm provides a unique level of accuracy by matching each formula candidate to the carefully calibrated mass spectrum in profile mode. This enables highly accurate results at a lower cost, using a lower resolution system.

The easy-to-use post acquisition software package utilizes Cerno’s patented MSIntegrity™ technology to achieve high mass accuracy, offering elemental analysts substantially improved and accurate measurements utilizing their existing mass spectrometer instruments. This means that they are able to achieve the results of a high-end spectrometer for a fraction of the investment. MassWorks is capable of the analysis of complex samples with substantial chemical backgrounds as well as that of unknown compound samples which require identification.

MassWorks also benefits from Cerno’s DirectRead™ technology to interpret most instrument data formats directly, eliminating the need for importing or exporting MS data to the clipboard or utilizing intermediate exchange formats. This saves time, reduces transcription errors, simplifies file management, and saves substantial disk space. As DirectRead doesn’t alter the original data, it assists compliance with common regulatory requirements such as GLP.

For a copy of the original application note, or for more information on MassWorks and CLIPS, please contact Cerno Bioscience.

