Cerno Bioscience’s MassWorksTM Has Proven to be 99% Accurate Software for the Identification of Unknown Compounds

20 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Cerno Bioscience has firmly established its groundbreaking leadership role in formula identification with GC/MS quadrupole instruments by its award-winning software product MassWorks. MassWorks employs Cerno’s patented calibration technology to equip unit mass resolution mass spectrometers with up to 100 times more mass accuracy and unparallel Spectral Accuracy through exact isotope modelling. Through MassWorks, customers can utilize unit mass resolution mass spectrometers to identify the formulas of unknown compounds. This function, before MassWorks, was usually reserved for more expensive high resolution mass spectrometers.

Since its introduction in 2006, Cerno Bioscience’s MassWorks has proven itself to be virtually infallible. Initial skepticisms regarding the formula ID performance on a unit mass resolution mass spectrometer were quickly dispelled when Cerno offered potential customers to test MassWorks’ efficacy through blind tests. MassWorks accurately identified one blind sample after another until it boasted a staggering 99% success rate. This great achievement not only impressed countless clients, but also boosted sales to a varied spectrum of industries, including pharmaceuticals, flavor and fragrance, chemicals, and petroleum. MassWorks has been recognized as the method of choice for unknown ID with GC/MS by many happy users around the world from North America and Europe to China and Japan.

After extensive evaluation of MassWorks with GC/MS data, Mr. Joseph Mick of Eli Lilly concluded in his poster presentation in ASMS Conference, “The ability to provide the elemental identification of unknown compounds on a routine basis by any scientist is now within one's reach."

Compared to LC/MS, accurate mass and formula determination for GC/MS is currently under-served by the MS vendors, which represents the largest installed base. Most high resolution and high mass accuracy systems such as FT ICR MS, Orbitrap, and qTOF are available only through LC/MS interface. The few available GC/TOF systems come with its high purchase and maintenance cost and large instrument footprints, compounded by detector dynamic range issues and the requirement of frequent recalibration.

