Characterising powders in process relevant ways – Freeman Technology at Powtech 2007

1 Feb 2007

Freeman Technology will exhibit the FT4 powder rheometer at Powtech 2007 (27-29 March 2007; Nűrnberg, Germany) where the company’s focus will be on ‘characterising powders in process relevant ways’.

At the associated Partec 2007 congress, managing director Reg Freeman will present a poster on the topic of ‘Volumetric dosing efficiency in relation to the bulk, flow and shear properties of powders’.
Comprehensive testing of consolidated, conditioned and aerated or fluidised powders can indicate their suitability for specific processes. A state-of-the-art system, the FT4 is a universal powder tester that builds the most complete picture possible of powder behaviour. To do this it uses a patented, dynamic methodology, complemented by shear testing and the measurement of bulk properties. All tests are automated and fast, with a test program typically completed in around 5 minutes. The very latest software ensures rapid interpretation and summary of measured data, and data analysis can be performed away from the laboratory if required.

Dynamic measurements using the FT4 involve a unique conditioning process. This, together with the elimination of operator influence, ensures repeatable, reliable comparison of results between powders, between instruments and between sites. Determination of basic flowability energy (BFE) is followed by a number of standard tests designed to evaluate many different variables, including consolidation and aeration.

The Freeman team will be available throughout Powtech to discuss your specific powder characterisation issues.

