Chemistry meets the SampleGenie

2 Sept 2007

At the forthcoming ELRIG SBS Meeting at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, Genevac has announced that it will show its latest innovative products for rapidly concentrating, drying or lyophilising large samples directly into a small vial.

Visitors to stand 71 will be able to review the recently introduced SampleGenie™ holders which enable large volumes, e.g. pooled HPLC fractions, to be concentrated directly into the vial of the users choice. SampleGenie eliminates a number of handlings stages and can also be used with the Genevac LyoSpeed™ process to concentrate the sample into the vial and then rapidly lyophilise the sample to leave it all in the vial as a dry powder.

Genevac will also show its popular EZ-2 Personal Evaporator system. The EZ-2 now accommodates a wide selection of sample holders enabling evaporation from most common sample container formats including round-bottom flasks up to 500ml, tubes up to 160mm long, custom reaction blocks and shallow or deep-well microplates. To meet the need of the many pharmaceutical and biotech companies switching their compound generation programmes from serial chemistry to parallel synthesis, the EZ-2 is also able to take tubes, flasks and vials directly from the synthesis process, eliminating a manual handling step, increasing recoveries and removing the chance of cross contamination.

Genevac’s knowledgeable applications and sales staff will be available to discuss with customers the best way to meet their requirements for solvent removal. For scientists not able to visit the show please contact Genevac directly.

