7 Mar 2006

CHIRAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a leading global provider of chiral chromatography columns and a wholly owned subsidiary of Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd., of Japan, will announce at the national Pittsburgh Conference 2006 in Orlando, the availability of a complete line of SFC chiral columns to be used with analytical and preparative SFC equipment.

These columns, which are manufactured and tested specifically for SFC conditions, are available in a range of sizes from 4.6 mm x 100 mm through 5 cm x 25 cm. This product range addresses both the analytical through preparative area.

All column sizes contain 5 micron particles which offer higher resolution. The 4.6 x 100 analytical columns are intended for rapid screening of compounds. All sizes (4.6 mm,

1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 5 cm ID columns) are intended to match the SFC equipment available in North America. A matching set of columns for each stationary phase is available.

“Providing researchers with a broad selection of SFC columns expands their research capabilities, while also enabling them to scale from analytical to preparative using the same stationary phases,” said David Ellis, Vice President and General Manager Laboratory Products, of CHIRAL TECHNOLOGIES. “The marked advantages of SFC in preparative applications led us to manufacture columns designed to withstand the elevated pressures typical of these systems.”

CHIRAL TECHNOLOGIES will also introduce at Pittcon 2006 a new Microflow Capillary chiral column for capillary liquid chromatography. The Microflow column speeds screening and analysis of compounds while reducing sample and mobile phase consumption.

In early 2005 CHIRAL TECHNOLOGIES introduced the CHIRALPAK® IA and CHIRALPAK® IB columns with immobilized polysaccharide phases. The company introduced the CHIRALPAK® QD-AX and CHIRALPAK® QN-AX in late 2005 to provide columns based on complementary quinine and quinidine derivatives – designed specifically for the enantioselective resolution of chiral acids by HPLC.

In addition to supplying chiral chromatography columns and bulk chiral stationary phases, CHIRAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., operates an outsourcing center for separation of chiral compounds from the gram to 50 kg scale at its technical center in West Chester, PA. This state-of-the-art facility utilizes a wide range of chromatography equipment, including SMB systems (also known as multi-column chromatography [MCC]), supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) equipment, and traditional single column preparative HPLC systems

