Claudio Figueiredo de A Pereira Beta Tests the New SelectScience Website

What did DASA’s Clinical Analysis Director think about our new website?

21 Mar 2015
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Claudio Figueiredo de A Pereira

DASA is the largest provider of medical diagnostic services in Latin America, offering more than 3000 types of clinical analysis and diagnostic imaging. Patient samples are collected in more than 500 service centers and analyzed in 11 central laboratories. We asked Claudio Figueiredo de A Pereira, DASA’s Clinical Analysis Director to beta-test our new website.

About Claudio

As DASA’s Clinical Director, Claudio is responsible for overseeing the management of all of the central laboratories and numerous small satellite labs run by the company. In his spare time, Claudio values spending family time with his two young children. He is a keen photographer and spends much of his free time devoted to this hobby.

Directing Lab Purchases and Providers

Like a lot of large clinical laboratories, many of the central lab analyzers are acquired through managed service contracts with the suppliers. As well as being involved in those contracts, Claudio is responsible for approving the purchases of equipment for all other areas of the laboratory, examples of these include mass spectrometers and HPLC analyzers for the analytical chemistry labs, sequencers and PCR instrumentation for the molecular biology laboratories and MALDI-TOF processors for the microbiology departments.

It is my job to be knowledgeable about what is happening in the world of diagnostics


Claudio Figueiredo de A Pereira


About DASA

DASA is the largest provider of medical diagnostic services in Latin America, offering more than 3000 types of clinical analysis and diagnostic imaging. Patient samples are collected in more than 500 service centers and analyzed in 11 central laboratories.

Why SelectScience?

Claudio was first introduced to SelectScience was when our Editors requested to film inside his state-of-the-art laboratories in Brazil; clinical laboratory Managers and Directors around the world have since learned his experiences in installing a total automation solution.

Watch our exclusive interviews on total automation solutions at DASA and another on the necessity of pure water in clinical analysis.

As part of his responsibilities, Claudio needs to be up to date with the very latest clinical diagnostic news, including new tests and methods, and hot topics in the industry.

Beta Testing the New SelectScience Website...


  • I love the new design; it is fresh, clear and vibrant.
  • The new navigation is excellent, it is so intuitive, and I immediately knew where to go to find out about new diagnostic tests and methods.
  • I particularly liked being able to navigate by hot topics under ‘applications’. I need to keep on top of current issues such as next generation sequencing, Ebola and clinical mass spectrometry. The new website made this very easy for me to find this information quickly.


  • The clinical disciplines/departments such as hematology, immunology etc. can be found under ‘techniques’, which wasn’t immediately obvious to me. This was the only difficulty that I had with the navigation.

Many thanks to Claudio for beta-testing our new website. Sonia Nicholas, Clinical Editor

Learn more about DASA
Find out more about Claudio Figueiro de A Pereira

