Compact intelligence for Ion Chromatography

13 Mar 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Metrohm's Compact Ion Chromatography (IC) instruments have revolutionized IC applications. They now dominate in routine water and environmental analysis involving drinking, surface and ground water as well as effluents.

All intelligent functions of the Professional IC instrument series have been integrated into the new compact instruments 881 and 882: iPump, iDetector, and iColumn technology. They guarantee precise results and help prevent operator errors. The MagIC Net™ chromatography software controls all system components and surveys all parameters that are relevant to the chromatographic analysis.

Due to their outstanding reliability the Compact ICs are being used more and more also in the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, their flexibility makes them highly useful for the chemical industry and for food analysis. Small to medium analytical laboratories profit from the excellent price-performance ratio. The low limits of detection achieved by the new Compact ICs allow their use in the energy sector, where we have recently seen a significant widening of the scope of application. Besides the classical analyses in the petrochemical and power plant area, the Compact ICs find increasing use in the analysis of alternative fuels such as bio ethanol and bio diesel.

