Complete IFA automation with AI-enhanced evaluation

1 Oct 2024

The indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is an essential method in autoantibody diagnostics. The all-in-one device – UNIQO 160 from EUROIMMUN – provides complete automaton of the analysis from primary sample to result proposal and now incorporates image evaluation using AI-enhanced software.

IFA is a highly sensitive, specific method for broad screening of autoantibodies in many different diseases. It enables visualisation of specific patterns of autoantibody binding to cell and tissue substrates and is especially useful for detecting antibodies that might not be identified by other methods. IFA is considered the gold standard for detecting antibodies in diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and autoimmune vasculitis. The assay processing, however, is time-consuming and the evaluation of results can be difficult, especially for staff with insufficient microscopy experience.

Automation systems can reduce the workload in IFA analyses and provide accurate and standardized evaluation of results. The UNIQO 160 provides complete walkaway automation of the entire analysis, thus maximizing productivity and freeing up valuable staff time.

Efficient assay processing

The UNIQO 160 performs all steps of IFA processing, encompassing sample preparation, incubation, washing, slide mounting, and image acquisition. It thus combines the functions of several IFA automation systems in one compact benchtop device. It has a processing capacity of 160 samples and 18 slides per run and is therefore ideal for laboratories with medium sample throughput looking for a high degree of automation.

The system offers flexible loading of controls, dilution buffers, conjugate and mounting medium, and the integrated three-needle system provides efficient pipetting of liquids. Integrated barcode scanners identify samples, reagents and slides during the entire process, ensuring quick loading, correct assignment and complete traceability of all items. The automatic mounting of slides after incubation protects the substrates from drying out, ensuring high-quality images, even with large worklists.

High-quality image acquisition

The UNIQO 160 is equipped with an integrated high-quality microscope with three automatically changing objectives (4x, 10x, 20x), which enables fast image acquisition. The high-resolution camera with autofocus captures brilliant fluorescence images. The image data is transmitted automatically to the middleware EUROLabOffice 4.0 for evaluation.

AI-enhanced evaluation

Result proposals are generated using the EUROPattern Classifier, an IFA evaluation software which has been trained during its development using artificial intelligence (AI) processes. The software utilizes deep convolutional neural networks to reliably differentiate positive and negative results, classify fluorescence patterns and determine titers. The UNIQO 160 incorporates automatic generation of result proposals for a wide range of autoantibodies (see table). Further applications on the UNIQO 160 will be available soon.

ANA: anti-nuclear antibodies; ANCA: anti-neutrophil granulocyte antibodies; dsDNA: double-stranded DNA; PLA2R: phospholipase A2 receptor; THSD7A: thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing 7A; ASMA: anti-smooth muscle antibodies; LKM: liver-kidney microsome; EmA: anti-endomysium antibodies

Flexible laboratory organization

The EUROPattern Classifier is connected to the EUROPattern 4.0 laboratory management software, which serves as a flexible interface in the laboratory, providing complete and fully traceable administration of patient data, analyses and results. EUROLabOffice 4.0 consolidates all results for the patient into one place, including the patient’s history and all images. After the verification procedure, result reports can be signed electronically and forwarded at the click of the mouse or exported into an existing LIS. Continuous bidirectional communication of EUROLabOffice 4.0 with the LIS ensures secure, traceable and rapid data exchange.

Regulatory status and product availability must be verified for the user‘s individual jurisdiction. Please inquire.

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