Comprehensive High Energy Detection

4 Nov 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Andor Technology plc has announced the availability of a new, comprehensive High Energy Detection portfolio. Andor’s versatile range of high-performance camera detection solutions span the Vacuum UV, Extreme UV, Soft X-Ray, Hard X-ray and Gamma energy ranges, via either ‘direct detection’ of incoming high energy photons or ‘indirect detection’ of photons emitted from a fiber-optic or lens-coupled phosphor/scintillator.

Andor’s high energy detection solutions are built around an extensive range of imaging and spectroscopy camera platforms and sensor options. Furthermore, each platform can be configured to interface with a variety of sampling environments, such as ‘in-vacuum’, ‘vacuum-attached’ or ‘stand-alone Beryllium window’ designs. Cameras can also be configured with a protruding fiber optic, bonded to the sensor at one end, ideal for detection of Hard X-ray or Gamma photons via indirect detection.

Dr Colin Coates, Andor’s Imaging Product Manager, said “From several years of servicing the X-ray research market, with solutions installed at many synchrotron facilities around the world, we realise that Andor’s core strength is not just in our performance advantages, it is also in our adaptability. Beyond Andor’s broad range of standard high-energy cameras and accessories, we also offer a Customer Special Request service, led by a highly experienced team of engineers and application specialists, capable of delivering bespoke solutions to demanding application requirements.”

