Consolidate your Controls with Randox Liquid QC Solutions
8 Jul 2012
Randox Laboratories will be displaying its Randox liquid QC solutions at the AACC Clinical Lab Expo later this month. Randox is a world leading manufacturer of quality control materials supplying more than 60,000 laboratories worldwide.
The complete range of liquid quality control solutions covers over 300 parameters ensuring consolidation and convenience without compromising on high quality or performance. Many controls are even suited to point-of-care testing due to their liquid ready-to-use format and convenient 2-8oC storage.
As true third party controls they can be used alongside any manufacturer’s reagent or instrument providing an independent, unbiased assessment of performance. Our unique value assignment process employs over 20,000 independent laboratories making Randox the only true supplier of third party controls and ensures accurate and reliable target values are available for most methods and instruments.
The liquid stable format of many Randox controls allows them to be conveniently and cost effectively shipped and stored at +2-8oC. The ready-to-use nature may even help to increase productivity in the laboratory by eliminating the need to thaw before use. Most liquid controls have a two year shelf life from the date of manufacture enabling long term QC monitoring. Once opened many controls will often exceed the stability claims quoted.
In addition to the Randox specific proteins, liquid cardiac, urinalysis and blood gas controls our range of liquid ready-to-use products has recently expanded to include new liquid urine and liquid tumour marker controls. Other liquid controls available include our Liquid Chemistry Premium Plus control covering over 100 parameters and our Liquid Immunoassay Premium control with assayed instrument specific target values provided for 41 analytes.
With 30 years experience in clinical diagnostics, Randox understand the importance of laboratory quality. In addition to our comprehensive range of liquid controls Randox can also provide Acusera 24.7 Web an inter-laboratory data management and peer group reporting package designed to compliment and support the Acusera range of control sera.
You can visit Randox Laboratories at the AACC 2012 Clinical Lab Expo, July 17-19, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA - booth #2201.