CRISPR Screening in Primary T lymphocytes - A Masterclass

Expanding CRISPR screening technology to ex vivo primary T cells through a combined lentiviral and electroporation approach

8 Feb 2019
Matthew Mcardle
Administrator / Office Personnel
Image of Cristina Ghirelli, immuno-oncology manager at Horizon Discovery
Cristina Ghirelli, immuno-oncology manager at Horizon Discovery, will deliver the webinar

Genetic screens are powerful tools to interrogate cell responses to drug treatment as well as microenvironment perturbations. With the increasing interest in manipulating the immune system to tackle disease and the use of CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)–Cas9 genome editing systems, screening primary cells is both appealing and feasible

In an upcoming webinar, Dr. Cristina Ghirelli, immuno-oncology manager at Horizon Discovery, discusses the development of a pipeline to perform pooled CRISPR screening in primary T cells through a combined lentiviral and electroporation approach. With a protocol validated using culture settings previously published in Jurkat T cells (Birsoy et al., 2015), Horizon Discovery-treated primary T cells were used to identify new metabolic targets involved in cell proliferation control and survival. Next-generation sequencing data not only confirmed some Jurkat hits, but also revealed new specific T cell targets.

Ghirelli will cover key points of CRISPR screening in primary human T cells, including:

  • Human T cell gene editing
  • Donor variability in T cells CRISPR screening
  • NGS data analysis for genetic screenings

Who should attend:

Scientists with a specific interest in CRISPR screening in primary human cells, looking for CRISPR technology optimization or those with a particular interest in T cell target identification.

Attend the live webinar:

The live webinar will take place on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at:

  • 15:00 GMT
  • 10:00 EST
  • 07:00 PST
  • 16:00 CET

