DataApex Announces a New Control Driver for the Alltech® 3300 ELSD

3 Dec 2012

DataApex has announced the release of a new control driver for the Alltech® 3300 evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) from Grace Discovery Sciences. This driver has been officially released with Clarity Chromatography Software version 4.0.2.

Grace Discovery Sciences is a market leader in ELSD technology and a leading global supplier providing innovative products, technologies and services that enhance the quality of life. “We are striving to maximize the portfolio of Clarity controlled instruments. The cooperation with a manufacturer such as with Grace is always inevitable for successful development.” Jan Hruby, DataApex general manager commented on the driver release.

Clarity Chromatography Software has a strong position in the chromatography data systems market. Clarity, the third generation of DataApex products, allows controlling more than 400 different instruments from the single environment and offers its users very high flexibility. Clarity is highly regarded for its intuitive approach, excellent performance, cost-effectiveness and proficient technical support.

DataApex is solely focused on chromatography software development. A strong emphasis is placed on technological innovation, visionary adoption of new laboratory standards, best practices and extensive customer support.

