Diasorin Launches the New N-TACT PTH Gen II on its LIAISON Platform Worldwide

21 Feb 2014
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

New assay assists in diagnosis of calcium metabolism disorders

DiaSorin is pleased to announce the launch of a new product in its portfolio, the LIAISON N-TACT PTH Gen II assay, for the quantitative determination of intact human parathyroid hormone (PTH) in human serum and plasma.

The LIAISON N-TACT PTH Gen II assay is a redevelopment of our existing N-TACT PTH assays and employs specific polyclonal antibodies to assist in diagnosis of disorders of calcium metabolism. This assay is an addition to the current DiaSorin LIAISON Bone and Mineral menu made of both specialty and main stream tests such as the 25-OH Vitamin D TOTAL Assay, 1-84 PTH, BAP OSTASE and Osteocalcin.

Francesco Colotta, Senior Corporate V.P and Chief Medical Officer in DiaSorin, explained:” The main function of PTH is to regulate serum calcium levels within the body; when serum calcium levels are high, the parathyroid glands, located at the back of the thyroid gland, are stimulated to decrease the production of PTH which lowers serum calcium levels; when serum calcium levels are low, PTH secretion is increased. In cases when this process is not functioning correctly, the consequence is a condition called Hyperparathyroidism, which is caused by the over secretion of PTH by the parathyroid glands”.

Primary hyperparathyroidism is characterized by abnormal over secretion of parathyroid hormone typically as a result of a parathyroid tumor. According to recent studies, its prevalence in the general population is estimated less than 1%. Whereas secondary hyperparathyroidism is an appropriately high PTH level, which is caused by disorders of calcium and phosphate metabolism. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is commonly found in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease which is a growing health issue with an estimated prevalence exceeding 10% worldwide.

According to EDMA analysis and an internal estimation, the potential Market in Europe and USA for the LIAISON N-TACT PTH Gen II assay is around €43 million.

Carlo Rosa, CEO of DiaSorin Group, commented :”With this new assay we demonstrate once again our commitment in providing tests that guarantee accuracy of results. Furthermore the new launch in the Bone and Mineral clinical area clearly shows our aim to strengthen our positioning in this segment worldwide and in particular in the United States where we are already known for our Endocrinology and Bone and Mineral products and where we plan to be a key player.”

Image caption: LIAISON® XL fully automated chemiluminescence analyser.

