Dionex Introduces New Anion Concentrator Column for Eluent Regeneration

31 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Dionex Corporation announces the release of the new Anion Concentrator for Eluent Regeneration (AC-ER) column, a very low-dead-volume concentrator. The AC-ER column is available in a 4 × 16 mm format to reduce the delay volume to approximately 75 μL.

With an AC-ER column installed in an Reagent-Free™ IC system with eluent regeneration (RFIC-ER™), each injection only adds 75 μL of sample matrix into the eluent regardless of the sample volume. Thus, 266 injections can be performed before the eluent needs to be replaced, regardless of the actual volume of sample loaded onto the concentrator. Also, by using a matrix elimination step with the AC-ER column in place, solvents can be directly injected onto the AC-ER column and then flushed off before injection into the RFIC-ER system.

The new AC-ER concentrator column brings a host of new applications within range of RFIC-ER systems, including analysis of bromate to 5 ppb in drinking water, and analysis of common anions in ethanol.

