Dionex Introduces New Disposable Electrodes for Advanced Electrochemical Detection

31 Aug 2008
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Dionex Corporation announces the addition of two new electrodes to its popular line of disposable electrodes; Gold on PTFE and Carbon on PEEK™.

These disposable electrodes, based on the existing 1 mm design, bring enhanced ease of use and extended lifetimes to laboratories using previous disposable or conventional electrodes. These electrodes bring the total number of available Dionex disposable electrodes to six.

The Gold on PTFE electrode has a specified lifetime of 4 weeks, twice that of previous disposable electrodes, and is compatible with hydroxide concentrations above 100 mM. These electrodes are excellent for sugar alcohols analysis utilizing the CarboPac® MA1 column, as well as any other applications using gold electrodes. The Carbon on PEEK electrode is the first disposable carbon electrode available for High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrochemical Detection. Users will find the convenience and reproducibility of these carbon electrodes to be superior as no polishing is required after extended use, as is the case with conventional electrodes. In addition, these disposable PEEK-backed carbon electrodes show a considerably lower rate of signal lose over time. Typical applications for the carbon electrode include detection and analysis of sulfur-containing amino acids, electroactive nucleosides, and catecholamines.

As with all previous disposable electrodes (including silver and platinum) offered by Dionex, the new electrodes provide very reproducible analysis, electrode-to-electrode and lot-to-lot, while maintaining peak efficiency and excellent sensitivity. Each lot is tested for key application performance, ensuring reproducibility, and each is serialized for tracking purposes.

